For whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ. Philippians 3:8b KJV.

What would it cost you to have all of Christ? What would we be willing to give up so we could experience Christ fully? How much do we value Christ? Is he more to us than the material things stopping us from giving all of ourselves to him? When you read the full verse, Paul acknowledges that there is nothing that compares to the knowledge, experience and relationship with Christ. He's telling us that without Christ, life and everything it embodies, is absolutely worthless. He says he has willingly forfeited everything so he can gain Christ; so he might be found in him. What can I forfeit to gain Christ? What would you forfeit to gain Christ? Mind you, it's not giving those things up for a day or two and going back them. It is relinquishing all to Christ permanently. Why should we you might ask? The benefits are innumerable. We have the supreme advantage of growing thoroughly acquainted with God and enjoying him, his promises and blessings. We get to know and share God's secrets with him.

Let's pray: Father, show us those things we need to give up to have all of you. Help us to clear the weeds in our lives so we have room for you. We ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen