
The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it]. John 1:5 AMP

When light appears, darkness has to give way. There's no discussion about who was first on the scene, or who has been there longest. As soon as light comes on, even a little light, it forces the dark to move back. Our Light has come and darkness has no discussion about how long it has veiled us, hidden us, kept us trapped or made us hopeless; it has to give way. Our Light is shining, strong and bright all around us and in us. He is not giving darkness an inch of any ground that belongs to us. The Light has come, our Light has come and his brightness is as never before. This Light gives life. Our Light empowers us to shine, to reflect back his light into our surroundings. How can darkness understand light? It can't. Light is light, it shines, it overcomes, it takes over, it manifests and has supreme power over any darkness around. This is why Christ came to remind us of who we are. Why sit in the dark when there's light? Christ has come so we can be empowered to take dominion. Christ has come to give us light and reflect his light to others. May we allow this Light into our hearts and into our homes. May we allow this Light to light up our ways. May we continue to walk in this Light. And when we do, may all forms of darkness flee from our presence.

Let’s pray: Light up my life, my path and all of my ways, Father of Lights. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen