Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish. Jeremiah 33:3 AMP

Do you know that if we were to apply the same enthusiasm, time and eagerness we have in trolling social media to our prayer life, things would have changed immensely for us? If we would apply the same diligence we have for other things to prayer and spending time in God's word, we would have cracked the code to discovering amazing truths and treasures about God for us. God has good plans for us but we have to dig deeper into those plans for alignment and for revelation. God says when we call on him not only will he answer but he will also show us hidden secrets that have us baffled. Do you know what God's plans are for you this year? Do you have a clear idea what you want to achieve? Do you know which way to go to escape the plots of the enemy? Do you know what to do? The owner and title holder of this year's blue prints is telling us to ask him. When we do, he will show us the hidden and the unknown, he will give us the code to crack this year and those ahead. May we be serious and dedicated in calling upon God so we receive the code to the hidden secrets and treasures of life.

Let's pray: My God and my Father, I'm calling out to you loud and clear today. Hear and answer according to your word. Show me what you have for me this year, and what I have to do. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen