It is because of the Lord's loving kindnesses that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions never fail. Lamentations 3:22 AMP

We are so blessed to be living under the dispensation of Grace. Imagine if we were still operating under the law? The consequences we would suffer and the sacrifices we would have to make for seemingly inconsequential things. Imagine being shamed in public for talking and laughing with a man or woman who isn't your spouse. How many of us would have gone unpunished? Not many. Or, being branded a thief for keeping the office pen or pencil in our pocket or handbags; the penalties we would have been made to pay. We would definitely have been consumed by God's wrath and fiery anger, if we'd been found working on the Sabbath day like we do now with impunity. We don't have any rest days: from Sunday to Monday, we're stuck in the rut of moving and doing. But for the mercies of God where would we be? It's only because of God's unfailing love and mercy that we haven't been consumed like burnt sacrifices. It doesn't mean God is waiting to pulverize us or God now turns a blind eye to our sins. It means God wants us to live the difference between his grace and mercy, and, his justice and disciplining. He wants us to understand that it's only because of his unfailing mercies. It doesn't mean we get away with breaking his ordinances; it means he gives us yet many more opportunities to repent and ask for mercy. It shows us how blessed we are to have God's grace working in our lives. It shows us how grateful we should be for Jesus Christ. It offers us the opportunity to return even when we blow it time after time. 

Let's pray: without your mercy, where would I be? Without your love, who would I be? Yet because of your unfailing love you call me your own. Thank you Abba Father. Amen