The blood shall be a sign for you on [the doorposts] the houses where you live; when I see the blood I shall pass over you, and no affliction shall happen to you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. Exodus 12:13 AMP

We have people who activate tracking devices on the cars, phones and other valuable items, so that they can be traced should they be stolen. God's tracking system is the blood of Christ. Wherever the blood is employed, it releases a strong signal to God and all of heaven. When we cover ourselves with the blood of Jesus Christ, everywhere we go is laid plain before heaven. That's because the blood is precious and highly prized. We are covered with the blood and not the devil. That's why he's so jealous of us because he knows the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. When we deploy and employ the blood of Jesus Christ over all that matters to us, we've made all that belongs to us impregnable. No one and nothing can penetrate. During the Exodus of the Israelites, God said "when I see the blood, I will pass over", meaning when I see my Son over you as your covering, no evil will come close to you. God's tracking system is so good that even when we drift out of his way, He is still able to find us and to bring us back to himself. We can never be lost from God.  Not only did the blood buy us back from the devil but the blood is God's blood.  The blood of Jesus Christ identifies us as God's own. Our tracker emits signals to heaven each and every time and it releases angels to be on guard over us; wherever we go. Isn't that amazing? Now that we know how powerful the blood of Jesus Christ is, may we use it more often to cover ourselves and our loved ones and loved things to prevent harm from coming our way. Everywhere we go, the blood of Jesus Christ is alert, an active force field around us. 

Let's pray: Father, I cover myself, my household and my loved ones with the blood of Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Christ Jesus over everything I have and own. Amen