And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious. Isaiah 11:10 KJV

We should be so glad Jesus Christ came to earth. Not only because of the salvation and redemption he brought us, but also because we can no longer be referred to as  'Gentiles'. Before turning to him, some names could be used in identifying us, but as soon as we come to know him, we're certified, bonafide children of God. An ensign is a standard, a symbol, having specific colours or symbols that show the might of a warrior or of an army. Jesus Christ is God's ensign, held high and drawing men to him. His standard colours are strength, power, love, peace and joy. When we come under his banner, we're no longer gentiles or heathen, we qualify as children. We're one with all the Saints and Prophets of God. God's banner is still held high and flying. It's calling us to come and seek cover under it. The last line of our scripture says "and his rest shall be glorious". We will find rest from our humdrum lives. He will fill us with his peace. He will break our yokes. There's so much goodness in Christ that we're yet to discover. It begins by seeking and finding him, and, abiding under his banner.

Let's pray: Father, we have seen your banner and we have come to you. Cover us in the shadow of your wings. Protect us from all harm. Shine your light on us. Do what only you can do in our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen