
"Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 AMP

According to Charles Spurgeon, the greatest war for any Christian to win, is staying still and waiting for God to come through. We're used to doing, to moving full force ahead, to being in control. But when we're suddenly put in a place or in a state of waiting, we suddenly begin to fall apart. We act like God died. We act like God travelled. We act like God suddenly became deaf. We act like God lost his power. There's a scripture in the Bible that we need to challenge ourselves with from time to time, to keep us grounded in the faith. Elijah asked the children of Israelites 'is it because there's no longer any God in Israel that you're on your way to Ekron?" Are you also on your way to Ekron? In search for answers from other sources because God no longer exists? Is your faith so shattered that you don't believe God can? We all need encouragement from time to time when our faith is at an all time low. Remember God is not dead; that would be a disaster not only to us individuals but to the entire world and the universe. Step back and remember all that God has done for you. Remember his wondrous works in your own life. Remember that if he's done it before, it will be easy to do it again. Don't grow weary, tired and discouraged. Stay still and rest in God. Don't fret or panic, God is still in control. Stay still and be encouraged in the power of God.

Let’s pray: Father, when my faith is shaking, make me remember that you're still on your throne. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen