As God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 2 Corinthians 6:16b KJV

Some Christian denominations don't believe or celebrate the birth of Christ in December. That's ok. Being different is alright as long as it doesn't separate us from the one main truth which is: God came down to earth as man and dwelt among us. As long as we believe in Christ, his miraculous birth and agree that Christ lived on this earth, we're fine. The other things will fall into place when we get to heaven. Everything God says will come to pass in his time. In the books of Leviticus and Ezekiel, he promised that he would dwell in our midst; in the midst of his children. I'm sure it sounded strange at that time to them. This God who appears as fire and smokey billows, how can he dwell among us? But he did and he has and is still dwelling among us. Our God never leaves or abandons us, his own. Wherever we go, God is. As long as he has promised not to step back, aside or go too far ahead of us, then we should be comforted that his presence is always with us. He said he will walk in our midst meaning everywhere we are or gather, he is there. And he is also in the inside of us, as the Holy Spirit and the still small voice. He is practically in dwelling us as our God and King.

Let's pray: May your presence never depart from us God, nor from our homes. Cover us under your cloud and surround us with your fire. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen