
And she gave birth to her Son, her firstborn; and she wrapped Him in [swaddling] cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no [private] room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7 AMP

Hallelujah! Our waiting is over and finally the child is born. Praise God! From waiting to manifestation; our God has fulfilled his promise to mankind of providing a Saviour who will lead, and save anyone who calls on him for help. Not a political leader, an army commander or a guerrilla fighter to lead us in a revolution, but a Saviour and a King who will lead and help us navigate the treacherous paths in life. I want to believe that the coming of Christ has more significance than just our salvation. It is also a lesson for us that God does not lie and our waiting on his word will never be in vain. The Jews who believed and were waiting for the Messiah:s birth, had their prayers answered at last. They didn't know when but they never gave up hope. That's a message for you and I. We don't know when our answers or manifestation to our prayers will finally arrive, but we don't have to give up hope. From waiting to manifestation, so will our prayers have testimonies to glorify and honour The Word of God. As Habakkuk tells us, it may take a while, it may seem delayed but surely, there will be a performance of God's word. The waiting will one day be over and everything will make sense. Merry Christmas to you and your household. May the birth of Christ birth new miracles of joy, hope, favour, health and fruitfulness in all areas of our lives. May the birth of Christ birth a new and lasting relationship between us and Christ.

Let’s pray:  As you manifest and walk in our midst, Immanuel change our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen