
O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise and give thanks to Your name; for You have done miraculous things, plans formed long, long ago, [fulfilled] with perfect faithfulness. Isaiah 25:1 AMP

When God gives you a word, irrespective of the time it seems to take to manifest, believe that it will manifest eventually. When God cursed Satan in the garden and told him the Seed of the woman would defeat him, I'm sure as the years passed by, and years turned into centuries, generations, the devil thought God had forgotten. He thought it wouldn't happen. But it did. Our scripture for the day assures us that all of God's carefully laid down plans, no matter how long it's been spoken, will be established. God doesn't speak anyhow so when he does, it's already marked down for a performance. No one had a clue how it would unfold; which seed, Cain? Abel? Maybe that's why the devil used Cain to destroy Abel thinking he was the Seed. But the Master Strategist knew exactly who and when. Who could have imagined that a word spoken aeons ago would finally be realized? Who would have thought that a child born among cattle would be the fulfilment of God's word spoken in Eden? In much the same way, God can confuse those waiting to snatch our miracles, with something no one expects to be the beginning of the fulfilment of God's word. May we not despise small beginnings for God's word can happen in any way he chooses. His plans have been carefully laid. God doesn't make mistakes. If he has said it, then surely he will do it.

Let’s pray: help our wandering faith and feet Lord. Boost us up to trust in your truth. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen