I myself have [actually] seen [that happen], and my testimony is that this is the Son of God. John 1:34 AMP

Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. Jesus Christ the light of the world. Jesus Christ the Word of God. Jesus Christ the redeemer and saviour of the world. A friend and I were talking about how deeply fatigued we are without even knowing it. Our bodies crave rest. We're always cramming something into our already jam packed lives, running up and down, trying to complete this or that in very little time. I wonder who taught us that Christmas is about eating, buying, running around until we drop and mega spending? I'm wondering how we caught on to trivialities and left the main actor out of the show. What happens after? Will we pack him away like our numerous boxes of decorations and trivia? Only to pull Christ out again for the next year? May we not lose the essential focus on the non essentials. May we not be stuck in man's creation of celebrating Christ. There's nothing wrong with celebrating the season with friends and family; there's nothing wrong going out to celebrate. It's questionable when we make the trivia the essential, and make the essential focus the trivia. It is making Christ the center of the celebrations that matters. He is the focus not the lights.

Let's pray: may we focus on your light and the reason of your coming Christ Jesus. May we not be lost in the non essentials and lose you, the essential. May we not follow the trends but follow you. And may we not bring you out of the box for only this season but keep you forever. In your name Jesus Christ we pray. Amen