Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man near my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20 KJV

Imagine Joseph with a very pregnant and Mary scouting the Inns looking for a room to stay; a room to rest. We are told the town was so full there was nothing, no room to spare. Do you think if they knew who was about to be born, they would have made room for them? To catch a slice of history: the King of Kings was born in my house. In my bedroom or maybe in my guest room. Everyone lost the bragging rights during that period. But there is still a chance for us to have that, to show that the King of Kings lives inside of us. Do you have room for two? Can you make room for him? And you see, Christ can't force his way in. Just like Joseph and Mary didn't demand saying 'cant you see she's with child give us a room', so will Jesus not demand to enter. You and I have to make that personal choice to make room for him. The past is history; we learn from it so we don't repeat the same mistakes. Do you have room for two? Can you make room for Christ in your life? Today is the day and now is the time.

Let's pray: Jesus Christ come into my heart and into my home. I'll making room for you today and always. Anything that comes in between us, please remove. Amen