You who profess the Lord, take no rest for yourselves, and give Him no rest [from your prayers] until He establishes Jerusalem and makes her a praise on the earth. Isaiah 62:6b-7

We've began a New Year and I'm sure the New Year resolutions are as long as there are alphabets to write them. But you do know the resolutions won't get done on their own don't you? It needs will power and prayer. And it needs the kind of prayer that won't back down until what we're expecting has been achieved. I remember reading a Psalm where David said "in the morning my prayers will prevent you". I was wondering, how can a man's prayer prevent God from moving or doing anything? Then I read Isaiah saying "don't give God any rest from prayers until he establishes what you want". That's the green card we need to trouble God with our prayers until he answers. This year, we won't back down or give up. We have the approval of heaven to trouble God with big things and little requests until we have received our answers. That should be our number one prayer resolution: no retreat or surrendering until God answers.

Let's pray: You are the God who answers prayer and so we will keep coming back to you with our requests. Hear and answer us favourably in our time of need Lord and prove your greatness to us. Amen