Through [skillful and godly] wisdom a house [a life, a home, a family] is built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation]. Proverbs 24:3 AMP

One of the things, most of us yearn for is a place of our own. Somewhere to live in peace from Shylock landlords and nosey neighbours. However, a house is not a home simply by the decor or furnishing. Haven't you seen a plush house with only strife and discontentment? And, a house where they don't have two pennies to rub together yet it is filled with love and joy? The difference is the wisdom applied in the foundation of the house. The difference is the understanding that operates in the house. That's what our scripture is telling us. We need godly wisdom to build a home that doesn't easily crack under pressure. We need godly understanding to keep our walls from crumbling and falling down at every single slight. We need a combination of godly wisdom and understanding to keep the devil out. We need God to be our resident landlord if we want our homes to become a sanctuary of hope, joy and peace. Our scripture tells us it's only by godly wisdom that we can build such a home. Without God, it will be a shambles. Without God's counsel, we will not have peace. Without God's direction, our houses will remain houses. May we invite God to be the physical and spiritual head of our homes. May we invite God into every conversation. May we follow godly counsel to build the relationships in our walls. May God grant us wisdom to live peaceably with everyone.

Let's pray: Come into my house Lord and turn it into a home. Come and dwell with me and turn every ugly situation into a peaceful one. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen