Blessed (praised, glorified) be the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has visited us and brought redemption to His people. Luke 1:68 AMP

You know how it feels, when you're the last one to hear that there were gifts being freely distributed but you missed it. Or, there were great opportunities to get something that you desperately needed, but when you heard about it, it was all gone, finished. It sucks and hurts real bad. Do you think if you were living in Israel, at the time Jesus was born and having his ministry, you would have followed him? Maybe not; but now that we've heard so much about him, it would be interesting to meet him, to see him, to talk to him and get to know him better. Well, I've got good news for you. There's another opportunity, another chance to meet with Christ. He's coming to visit us again in a few days. How prepared are you? Remember, he wasn't born with fanfare or fuss; and so he's not visiting with fanfare. You might miss him if you're looking for the glamorous. He's standing at the door of our hearts, quietly knocking for acceptance to come in. He's not coming for the food, or the clothes. He's coming for you and him to have alone quality time. Can we see him all around? Do we have room for him? We have yet another opportunity to see him for who he truly is; not the commercialized version. He's visiting and we have the opportunity to draw him in. May we not blow it this time again. May we receive Christ and the gifts he's offering to us. May we offer him room in our stables.

Let's pray: Touch our hearts and our lives Jesus Christ. Change us to humbly receive your person into our homes, not only for a few days but for a lifetime. Amen