Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, [that special endowment] which was intentionally bestowed on you [by the Holy Spirit] through prophetic utterance when the elders laid their hands on you [at your ordination]. 1 Timothy 4:14 AMP

The Bible records that Jesus Christ gave spiritual gifts to men, before he was taken back into heaven. In the book of Corinthians, we also learn that there are different spiritual gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit to each believer. Since, there were no specific names mentioned, it means each of us, when we become truly born again, receive gifts from the Holy Spirit, to equip us in our new spiritual walk. Do you know the gift you have? Are you using your gifts to bless the body of Christ? There's a story about a young man who died and appeared before a great white throne. As he looked around and at himself, he realized he carried a lot of beautiful pouches with the seals intact, unbroken. As he wondered what these could be, an angel told him these were  the many spiritual gifts he was given, but had never used them while on earth. He took them all back to heaven. Many of us are waiting for a prophetic word when we carry that gift, that pouch on us. Many of us are waiting for a miracle when we have it in us, unactivated. That power to change situations is lying dormant within us and we need to stir it up. May fear not cause us to neglect the gifts within us. May we properly steward the gifts of the Holy Spirit we've been given. May we begin to walk in our mandate as bonafide heirs of God. And above all, may we use our gifts to bless others around us and grow the church of God.

Let's pray: Father, show me the purpose of my life. As I stir up the gifts within me, give me direction and traction. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen