Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God's power. Psalm 19:2 AMP
Did you know that new discoveries are being made each day? Scientists and explorers are finding things that still amazes them. Just when they thought they knew it all, and had everything wrapped up nicely, something comes up to show them the owner of heaven and earth knows more than they do and has a new story just on the verge of their discoveries. What's our scripture telling us? That we can never box God in and assume we know all there is to know about him. If we did, then God would be ordinary; but he isn't. He's the God who reveals himself each day in a new and spectacular way. Today we may know him as the Provider. Tomorrow, he could be the Way Maker. Another day, the Warrior. Whichever way we know him doesn't have to be final. We're in a dynamic relationship where each day presents a new dimension of this God. We will miss out if we only see just one side of God. He's more than we can ever imagine. Each day reveals something new to us about this God. Like our scripture says "each new day reveals a bit of the story" of God's glory. May our hearts be open to receive God's fullness and beauty daily. Daily, may we receive a divine revelation of this God we follow.
Let’s pray: Father reveal your fullness to me each day. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen